Can a blog have an epilogue? I doubt it, but when have we ever paid attention to convention? Right apologies once again for the delay in this one boys and girls…due to all our hold [...]
Shinta’s Pass
Zigg-zagging our way uphill When I last left you our two hapless heroes fate rested in the balance. Against all odds we had managed to navigate a series of unexplored valleys to reach the [...]
The Regain
Ant and Louis are regularly contacting the team back at home via satellite phone. This blog was sent back to England, 20 words at a time by Ant. You can’t question their dedication! Those [...]
Ant and Louis are regularly contacting the team back home via satellite phone. This blog was sent back to England, 20 words at a time by Ant. You can’t question their dedication! Time. On [...]
We’re Not Folding
Ant and Louis are regularly contacting the team back at home via satellite phone. This blog was sent back to England, 20 words at a time by Ant. You can’t question their dedication! A [...]
Locked In On Larry
Ant and Louis are regularly contacting the team back at home via satellite phone. This blog was sent back to England, 20 words at a time by Ant. You can’t question their dedication!We have [...]
Fortune Favours the Brave: Not the Stupid
Ant and Louis are regularly contacting the team back at home via satellite phone. This blog was sent back to England, 20 words at a time by Ant. You can’t question their dedication! They [...]
A Message From the Wild
Ant and Louis are regularly contacting the team back at home via satellite phone.This blog was sent back to England, 20 words at a time by Ant. You can’t question their dedication! Picture if [...]
See Ya On the Flipside
We landed in the frozen north at midday on the 29th of March. Our local guide and host Ted Irniq and his wife Sonia were already in the airport waiting for us. Somehow the [...]
And So the Final Journey Begins…
“Why do you do this?” Why indeed. The reasoning underpinning what we have achieved so far has, at times eluded us as much as any baffled onlooker as to why two men would continue [...]