Two Men | The 5 Biggest Islands On Earth | One World Record

Former Royal Marine Commandos Louis Nethercott and Anthony Lambert are embarking on a world first expedition the likes of which has never been accomplished before. Using the skills and discipline provided to them through their diverse military careers they are setting out to be the first humans to cross the planet’s 5 largest islands unsupported, using only human power. Expedition 5.
Due to the unique and varied nature of this challenge their bodies will be pushed beyond endurance, not only will the Expedition 5 team need to be in the highest physical condition possible, they will need every ounce of their determination and will power in order to complete this remarkable undertaking.
Both Louis and Ant have active front line experience from their time serving in Afghanistan. They both feel the challenges faced by Expedition 5 are insignificant compared to the daily challenges faced by many of their former colleagues wounded in the service of their country.
For this reason they are usining Expedition 5 to raise funds for the Royal Marines Chairty to raise awareness of the mental health issues affecting serving and former serving personnel; for Louis and Anthony this is cause particularly close to their hearts. |
Please scroll down to read about each island challenge in more detail.
Third largest island in the world, made up of three separate countries, Brunei and Malaysia occupying the northern coastline, with “Kalimantan” (Indonesian Borneo) taking up the majority of landmass to the south. For many, the name Borneo still evokes images of a mystical land cloaked by rainforest, hiding exotic and unknown flora and fauna. The native Dayak population are famed for their head-hunting traditions which fortunately for us are no longer practised. In more recent times the island has become synonymous with the image of mass deforestation. The arrival of the chainsaw in the late 1950s has caused wide spread devastation to the once pristine primary jungle that covered the island. Our crossing of Borneo took place in Kalimantan following a route that almost hand railed the equator the whole journey. |
Louis and Ant conducted a north to south crossing across the planet’s second largest island through Papua New Guinea.
Starting in the northern coastal town of Madang the Mad Explorers pushed south west along supply routes used by the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) in their fight against the Japanese during the second world war. Along their route the, they were forced to traverse a knife edge ridgeline over 3000m high, before heading south over jungle clad mountain ranges over 4500m. They faced daily threats of marauding armed bandits, malaria ridden communities, leeches, and dense unexplored jungles.
Madagascar, “The Red Island”. The fourth largest island on Earth. Famed for it’s kaleidoscopic biodiversity, towering baobab trees, and its rich and varied cultural heritage. 5000 km of coastline encompasses the islands 592,800 square kilometers, it’s highest peak is Maromoktra at 2,876 m, with the longest river being the 564 km Mangoky. Madagascar has a unique and alluring history. It’s geographical position ensured countless waves of traders, settlers and invading forces arrived by sea. Due to the strong maritime association, a multitude of historical lighthouses are scattered throughout the Malagasy coastline.
Greenland, the largest island on Earth! It covers around 2,166,086 square kilometers. The majority of the landmass (81%) is covered by 1,755,637 square kilometers of barren ice cap that is up to 4 km thick in some places. The remaining land consists of narrow, rocky and mountainous coast where all the settlements are located. It’s tallest peak is the 3,694 m Gunnbjørn Fjeld, which is also the highest point north of the Arctic circle.
Baffin island. The final frontier. It is the largest island in Canada and fifth largest island in the world. It covers an area of 507,451 square kilometers that is swathed with areas of glacier-enveloped mountains of colossal proportions, permeating dramatic fjords, and vast expanses of monumental lakes. Mount Asgard at 2,147 m is Baffin’s tallest peak and nearby Mount Thor features the highest vertical cliff face on Earth (1,250 m)